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Up to two Optoelectrodes and one OSC1Lite driver can be requested from MINT below. The Optoelectrodes are silicon neural probes with 12 blue microLEDs and 32 electrodes. The microLEDs can be driven with the MINT 12-channel current stimulator, OSC1Lite.

Additional Optoelectrodes may be purchased from NeuroLight Technologies by sending an email to sales@plexon.com with desired quantity and type (flexible or acute). For any questions, please send an email to contactMINT@umich.edu.

Artifact Free High-Density microLED Optoelectrodes (coming soon)

The Yoon Lab has developed artifact free high-density microLED Optoelectrodes (yet to be disseminated). Watch Professor Yoon discuss the details of these probes in his talk given at NeuroNex3.

Plexon-Neurolight Webinar Series

Additionally, watch how optoelectrodes are used in the Plexon Neurolight Webinar Series.

High-Density μLED Optoelectrodes for Local Circuit Mapping

Euisik Yoon, Professor, University of Michigan

Mihály Vöröslakos, New York University

How to Use μLED Optoelectrodes: Surgery, Data Collection and μLED Control

Mihály Vöröslakos, New York University

Liset M de la Prida, Instituto Cajal CSIC

Functional Microdissection of a Hippocampal Circuit with High-Density Optrodes

Liset M de la Prida, Instituto Cajal CSIC

Microcircuit Interrogation with Neuron-scale Optogenetics

Dan English, Assistant Professor, Virginia Tech

Sam Mckenzie, Assistant Professor, University of New Mexico

Preexisting Hippocampal Network Dynamics Constrain Optogenetically Induced Place Fields

Sam Mckenzie, Assistant Professor, University of New Mexico

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